2020 Catalog | Springfield Leather Co.


Springfield Leather Company Mission Statement

It is the mission of Springfield Leather Company to create a culture that engenders MUTUAL TRUST, HUMILITY, and RESPECT among all employees and customers. To continuously strive toward individual self- improvement, and to eliminate waste throughout SLC by streamlining our procedures for the benefit of our customers. We work towards enabling our customers’ success by continuously providing superb customer service and support, product expertise, proper materials, and timely delivery of products.

or how long it will last, or how severe it will be. Here at SLC we’re just hoping for the best and trying to prepare for the worst. Our hope is that all of our customers are able to have a safe, healthy year for themselves and their families! On another note, SLC has created what we call our “Leather Machine Guide”. It’s a 26-page brochure that is designed to help people to make a good choice as far as which type of sewing machine to buy for the sort of work that they do. It’s free for the asking. And yes, it’s slanted toward our Cobra machines. Tandy Merchandise: We’re not entirely sure what is going on with Tandy Leather Factory. Currently, (as of this writing) most of their stores are closed because of the Corona Virus. It’s our understanding that it’s possible that some will not re-open. We recently ordered merchandise from them as a courtesy for some of our mail order customers, and the merchandise came to us from 3 different locations.

SLC… the place where folks understand what it means to go “like a gopher in soft dirt” … the place where Glowforge Laser machines are making their mark on the leather world… The place that seems to be a magnet for stupid dogs… The place that has the world famous “25 dollar side” table…..The place where people with “leather sickness” seem to congregate and try to see who

can find the strangest leather deal… Home of the $50.00 oil tanned side… and the place where countless decades of leathercraft experience are available to customers everywhere… the place where we know that our success is dependent on yours… This seems to me to be a very, very strange time for the leather world. The leather world is being affected by various governmental policies from around the world that seem to keep the pot stirring furiously to say the least! The hide market is… well… to put it mildly, suffering a bit. These things have some negative effects, but for the most part, for SLC they have led to positive things for our customers. In all my years, I’ve never seen so much scrap leather of such good quality available. And you may have noticed the constant sale prices on many veg and chrome leathers lately. Tanneries that are strapped for cash need to move leather at lower prices. It’s things like those that have caused us to purchase another warehouse. And Rusty has wasted no time in filling it to the gills! Business seems to be good for the leather crafter that is able to adapt to the wants and needs of a younger customer base. And while using lasers to put designs on leather is not new, the concept is becoming one of the fastest growing trends that I’ve seen in a while! The SLC affiliation with Glowforge is making it possible for many people to begin working with leather. And many of those are now running successful small businesses of their own using Leather N’ Lasers to great advantage. Being able to put almost any design that you want to on a piece of leather has been a great door opener for many! And lasers have enabled many to take their existing businesses to the next level, simply by incorporating a laser machine. The Corona Virus will have an effect on the leather world, but at this point we don’t really know what sort of effect,

Hopefully they will be able to get back to some sort of normalcy at some point, but in the meantime we can no longer promise that we’ll be able to provide Tandy merchandise on a reliable basis, given the difficulty getting things from them.

Supply Chains: As you know, not all products used by crafters are produced in this country. As the pandemic runs its course, we have seen and will continue to see some supply chain issues. SLC is fortunate to have a number of “back up” vendors for many products, but it’s simply not possible to not run out of some things from time to time. We’ll continue to provide the best service possible and appreciate your patience in working with us as the need arises. In the works: The next few months will see a great many new products and tools and leathers being added to our line. Just thought you’d like to know! 

Phone: 1-800-668-8518




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