Springfield Leather Supply Guide (updated 5/2023)
For me I find that if I want to set a rivet, snap, or use a strap end punch I reach for a mallet... the large flat face of the mallet reduces the chances of it glancing off the tool and smashing a finger... And I will tend to use a heavier mallet for such endeavors. So... how about a maul? I like to use a lighter weight maul for beveling, backgrounding and stamping in general. I like the shorter handle. It seems to make it easier to “rock” the maul allowing greater ease when “walking” a tool. You can use whichever you prefer...to each their own. As I write this... I asked my wife... ( Lindsey Hop kins/Darnell ) to proof read it... and as I thought... she had an opinion too... so as I said to her... I will say to you... plz refer to the first sentence before you write or call with your opinion...
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