Springfield Leather Supply Guide (updated 5/2023)




We got a great deal on a shipment of pretty nice C Grade Dou ble Shoulders, so we thought we’d pass on our good fortune to you! These double shoulders are untrimmed, but not flanky, and they’re remarkably clean! This leather tools well, dyes well... just all around great leather for the money. Perfect for holsters, etc. If you want to make belts, these would work beautifully. Sold by the piece, we will not cut. Average size 12-14 sq ft. Order# 13-400

MEDIUM GRADE DOUBLE SHOULDER Medium Grade Double Shoulder, 8 - 9 oz. Sizes range from 9 - 12 square feet. This is sold by the square foot we will cut. These are a very nice mix of B/C grade 8 - 9 oz. veg tan double shoulders that tool and dye gloriously!!! You might find some surface de fects, but nothing that can’t be worked around. They’re trimmed fairly well, and the back part of them will have good length, but they get a bit shorter towards the neck. Order# 911-089

TRIMMED IMPORT C GRADE DOUBLE SHOULDERS Good size but includes the neck pieces, and will have some issues on front and possibly the back. Perhaps some cuts. You'll cut some belts, but you won't be able to just strip it up without getting a few defects. Good for holsters, sheaths, and other things that allow you to cut around issues easily. Tools and dyes well. Even the small ones have decent length. (Approx.8–9 oz. 9–13 sf. avg.) Order# 911-2506

NATURAL HARNESS DOUBLE SHOULDERS This veg tanned harness leather is straight-up amazing! Heavily waxed with a beautiful pull-up, this leather will glue wonderfully. The thinner weights are ideal for bags and wallets. The original 9-10 oz. will produce fantastic strips. We anticipate this leather quickly becoming a new customer favorite. Sold by the square foot. (11-13 sf. avg.)

NATURAL HARNESS WEIGHT ORDER # 3–4 oz. 860-70603 6–7 oz. 860-70602 9–10 oz. 860-70601

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