Springfield Leather Supply Guide (updated 5/2023)


Spots & Setters 252–253 Diamond 252 Pyramid 252 Round 251 Spray Bottle 320 Spring Gate Rings 259 Squeeze Coin Purse Frame 261 Stains & Antiques 307–308 Acrylic 307 Angelus Wax Polish 309 E-Z Glow 310 Goof Proof 310 Hi-Liter 307 Paste 307 Stamp Handles 237 Easy To Do 237 Heavy Duty Rams Foot 237

Tweezer Set 323 U Upholstery Tacks 252–254 V Velcro 269 W Wallet Inserts Horizontal 106 Wing Insert Windows 106 Watchband Buckles 275 Water Buffalo Teeth 175 Wax 167, 311 Beeswax 167, 311 Paraffin 167 Shoe Polish 309 Yankee 311 Webbing 269 Wing Dividers 217 Wire, Stringing & Wrapping 7-Strand Wire 185 Elastic 185 Fireline 185 Woodburning Pen Set 322 Z Zippers & Zipper Parts 268

Hefty Handle 237 Spring Loaded 237 Stamping Tools 221–235, 222–236, 223–237, 224–238 Stamping Tool Sets Basic Stamping Tool Sets 230 Decorative Cut Stamping Tool Set 226 Stamp Sets (2D & 3D) 235 Floral 3-D 230 Number 236 Stirrup Adjusters 267

Stirrup Straps, Leather 81 Storage Containers 303 Synthetic Wool Pads 315 T Tacks, Upholstery 254–256 Tape 269, 319 Clear Packing 319 Draft Tape 269 Masking 319 Tape Measures 322 Thread 170–171, 185 Nymo Beading Thread 185 Sewing Awl 164 Sewing Machine Thread 170 Waxed 164 Thread Burners 322, 164, 165

Toenail Clippers 323 Tool Racks & Holders Wooden 228 Tools 167–171, 201–232 Lacing & Stitching Tools 167–168 Leathercraft 201–232 Stamping Tools 221–235, 222–236, 223–237, 224–238, 231–238, 233–238, 237–238 Stamping Tools 221–230, 222–231, 223–232, 224–233 Stamping Tool Sets Basic 230 Decorative Cut Stamping Tool Set 226

Tooth Brushes 323 Tracing Film 220

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