2019 Catalog
Bulldog Brand All-Purpose Cement Bulldog Brand Cement is a very high-tech combining cement. Made in the U.S.A. by one of this country’s foremost adhesive manufacturers. Designed for use in applications where you’re combining like materials, or adhering different materials to one another; like leather to leather, or leather to wood, where great strength and a permanant bond is required. Non-flammable and safe to use. A fantastic alternative to Leatherweld! Dries clear and flexible. Don’t plan on taking something apart once this cement has been used properly and allowed to dry completely, because THAT ain’t gonna happen! Water-based. NON-FLAMMABLE. DO NOT FREEZE. SIZE ORDER # RETAIL WHSL 4 oz. 53-2010 $6.50 $5.00 8 oz. 53-2040 $9.50 $8.50 32 oz. 53-2020 $25.00 $19.00 Gallon 53-2030 $59.00 $49.00
Neoweld Cement
Leather Bonding, Color & Care 20 th Anniversary Edition
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Bulldog Brand Latex Cement
A NON-FLAMMABLE , contact cement that sticks to itself. Neoweld has a long work time and is great for applications being sewn. ORM-D. DO NOT FREEZE. SIZE ORDER # RETAIL WHSL 4 oz. 53-1503 $6.49 $4.99 8 oz. 53-1502 $9.99 $7.49 32 oz. 53-1501 $25.00 $19.50 Gallon 53-15 $59.50 $54.00
Have you ever tried to glue some oil tanned leather together, waited a while for it to set up just right, only to realize the oils in the leather prevented your glue from doing what it was supposed to do in the first place... like stick?! Behold, our Bulldog Brand Latex Cement! This stuff is just the ticket for gluing oily leathers, and making sure they stick! Great for Famous Horween Chromexcel and Essex leathers, as well as other miscellaneous oil tans and latigos! Water-based. NON-FLAMMABLE. DO NOT FREEZE.
Masters Contact Cement
WHSL $5.49 $8.49 $20.00 $49.00
53-271103 53-271102 53-271101 53-271100
$6.49 $10.99 $25.00 $59.00
4 oz. 8 oz. 32 oz. Gallon
Ever-Tack Contact Cement
Fiebing’s Tanners Bond Cement A safe, WATER BASED , NON- FLAMMABLE cement. It
provides superior bonding attributes. Perfect for businesses and institutions with venting or flammability concerns. This is great white glue for the money. DO NOT FREEZE.
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A crafter’s favorite! Super strong contact cement, that can take on the heaviest layers of leather. Also, use on rubber, wood, cork, metal, etc… ORM-D. FLAMMABLE. SIZE ORDER # RETAIL WHSL 4 oz. 95-201703 $9.00 $7.00 8 oz. 95-201702 $13.50 $10.50 32 oz. 95-201701 $29.00 $25.00 Gallon 95-201801 $65.00 $60.00
WHSL $3.75 $19.50 $42.00
34-254001 34-254003 34-254004
$5.50 $25.00 $49.00
4 oz. 32 oz. Gallon
Masters Contact Cement Thinner
This is a NON-FLAMMABLE, WATER BASED CONTACT CEMENT! You use this glue just like any other contact cement. Apply to both pieces of leather that you want to glue, let it sit for a minute until it gets tacky, then attach the two pieces together. It does take a little bit longer to dry than Neoweld, but it does dry relatively quickly, and it dries clear! Made in the U.S.A., and designed mainly for handbag and accessory manufacturers. DO NOT FREEZE. SIZE ORDER # RETAIL WHSL 4 oz. 53-11 $6.49 $4.79 8 oz. 53-16 $9.99 $7.99 32 oz. 53-12 $26.00 $19.50 Gallon. 53-13 $59.99 $53.99
Elmers Glue-All A favorite all-purpose glue. Perfect for crafts and light repair. WATER BASED. NON-TOXIC.
Use to thin not only Master’s cement, but any contact cement except Neoweld or other white glues. ORM-D FLAMMABLE.
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7.63 oz. Retail: $5.00
Wholesale: $4.00 ORDER # 279-2 Gallon Retail: $26.00 Wholesale: $22.00 ORDER # 279-3
WHSL $20.00 $35.00
95-201800 95-201802
$24.00 $39.00
32 oz. Gallon
Phone: 417-881-0223 or 1-800-668-8518 Fax: 1-417-881-4953 Email: feedback@springfieldleather.com
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