2019 Catalog
Fiebing’s Regular Dye Fiebing’s Regular Dyes are alcohol based and they dry uniformly. You can mix them easily to create a variety of interesting middle tones. They come in a ton of colors, and are so popular, they practically fly off our shelves! ORM-D. FLAMMABLE.
CHOCOLATE 4 OZ. #34-210002 32 OZ. #34-210102 GALLON #34-210202
USMC BLACK 4 OZ. #34-210001 32 OZ. #34-210101 GALLON #34-210201
MEDIUM BROWN 4 OZ. #34-210004 32 OZ. #34-210104 GALLON #34-210204
DARK BROWN 4 OZ. #34-210003 32 OZ. #34-210103 GALLON #34-210203
LIGHT BROWN 4 OZ. #34-210005 32 OZ. #34-210105 GALLON #34-210205
MAHOGANY 4 OZ. #34-210006 32 OZ. #34-210106 GALLON #34-210206
CORDOVAN 4 OZ. #34-210007 32 OZ. #34-210107 GALLON #34-210207
BRITISH TAN 4 OZ. #34-210008 32 OZ. #34-210108
TAN 4 OZ. #34-210009 32 OZ. #34-210109
RUSSET 4 OZ. #34-210010 32 OZ. #34-210110
4 oz. Retail: $6.49 Wholesale: $4.49 32 oz. Retail: $25.00 Wholesale: $19.00 Gallons Retail: $65.00 Wholesale: $55.00
NAVY BLUE 4 OZ. #34-210011 32 OZ. #34-210111
GREEN 4 OZ. #34-210012 32 OZ. #34-210112
Leather Bonding, Color & Care 20 th Anniversary Edition YELLOW 4 OZ. #34-210015 32 OZ. #34-210115 MAROON 4 OZ. #34-210014 32 OZ. #34-210114 RED 4 OZ. #34-210013 32 OZ. #34-210113 KELLY GREEN 4 OZ. #34-210028 32 OZ. #34-210128 PURPLE 4 OZ. #34-210027 32 OZ. #34-210127 BUCKSKIN 4 OZ. #34-210020 32 OZ. #34-210120 OXBLOOD 4 OZ. #34-210019 32 OZ. #34-210119 BEIGE 4 OZ. #34-210017 32 OZ. #34-210117 BURGUNDY 4 OZ. #34-210025 32 OZ. #34-210125 DARK RED 4 OZ. #34-210023 32 OZ. #34-210123 ORANGE 4 OZ. #34-210022 32 OZ. #34-210122 MOCCASIN BROWN 4 OZ. #34-210030 32 OZ. #34-210130 GALLON #34-210230 AQUA GREEN 4 OZ. #34-210029 32 OZ. #34-210129
LIGHT BLUE 4 OZ. #34-210016 32 OZ. #34-210116
LIGHT TAN 4 OZ. #34-210021 32 OZ. #34-210121
TURQUOISE 4 OZ. #34-210026 32 OZ. #34-210126
Please note that the color swatches used throughout this section are a close representation of actual colors.Keep in mind, these are just swatches, not the real thing...
All pricing is subject to change without notice! Not responsible for pictorial or typographical errors.
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