2019 Catalog


Leather Bonding, Color & Care 20 th Anniversary Edition

Angelus Penetrating Dye

PRO BLACK #6-500001 JET BLACK #6-500002

ARMY TAN #6-500010

MAHOGANY #6-500011

This is a permanent liquid dye used for changing the color of leather. This dye penetrates leather and forms a lasting color which will not peel, crack, or wash off. Excellent for use in manufacturing or re-coloring purses, saddles, tack, shoes, belts, etc... Available to you in 3 oz. bottles. ORM-D FLAMMABLE! Retail: $5.49 Wholesale: $4.49

BROWN #6-500014

CHOCOLATE #6-500015

CORDOVAN #6-500017

DARK BROWN #6-500018

ENGLISH TAN #6-500019

LIGHT BROWN #6-500021

LIGHT BROWN A #6-500022

MEDIUM BROWN #6-500023

ORANGE #6-500024

SUNTAN #6-500028

TAN #6-500029

BLUE #6-500040

LIGHT BLUE #6-500041

NAVY BLUE #6-500042

TURQUOISE #6-500043

BLUE JEAN #6-500044

PURPLE #6-500047

GREEN #6-500050

KELLY GREEN #6-500051

BURGUNDY #6-500060

OXBLOOD #6-500062

RED #6-500064

WINETONE #6-500065

YELLOW #6-500075

LIGHT ROSE #6-500099

BISMARK #6-500091

BRANDY #6-500092

BRICK #6-500093

HONEY #6-500094

RUSSET #6-500095

SPICE #6-500096

COFFEE #6-500097

GOLD #6-500098

Oxalic Acid (Leather Bleach)

Mix 1 ounce of bleach with 1 pint of water to clean veg. tanned leather before dyeing. Sold in 1 oz. packets. ORM-D POISONOUS! Retail: $3.00 Wholesale: $2.50 ORDER # 156-281

JADE #6-500173

ROSE #6-500192

Fiebing’s Dye Prep

Fiebing’s Deglazer

Bee Natural Pro Carv

A specially formulated cleaner that prepares leather for dyeing. For use on tannery leather that has not been previously dyed or finished. Removes dirt, grime, and other light tannery finishes. 4 oz. ORM-D POISONOUS! Retail: $5.99 Wholesale: $4.99

Pro-Carv is a superior solution specially formulated for craftsmen who carve, form and tool leather. Comes in 8 oz. bottle. Retail: $7.49 Wholesale: $6.49

Use to prepare smooth leather for dyeing and refinishing. Strips smooth leather of existing finish. Will not impair leather softness or flexibility. ORM-D FLAMMABLE!


WHSL $4.49 $20.00

4 oz. 34-210501 32 oz. 34-210502

$5.99 $25.00






Phone: 417-881-0223 or 1-800-668-8518 Fax: 1-417-881-4953 Email: feedback@springfieldleather.com

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